International Summer School DCMS Materials 4.0 2018: Deep Materials

Start: 10 Sep 2018 | End: 14 Sep 2018
Organized by: Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Sybille Gemming, Wolfgang Lehner

Innovative materials are one of the key technologies for keeping products and industrial processes economically competitive and ecologically sustainable. Modern materials science requires a multi-discipline approach embracing chemistry, physics, engineering, as well as data science. This summer school will provide an overview of current developments in data-driven materials science – with a particular focus on Machine Learning and modern numerical approaches – and will offer a platform for discussions about future perspectives.


International Summer School DCMS Materials 4.0 2018: Deep Materials

Start: 10 Sep 2018 | End: 14 Sep 2018
Organized by: Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Sybille Gemming, Wolfgang Lehner

Innovative materials are one of the key technologies for keeping products and industrial processes economically competitive and ecologically sustainable. Modern materials science requires a multi-discipline approach embracing chemistry, physics, engineering, as well as data science. This summer school will provide an overview of current developments in data-driven materials science – with a particular focus on Machine Learning and modern numerical approaches – and will offer a platform for discussions about future perspectives.
