Nanotubes & Nanostructures 2002
Start: 23 Sep 2002 | End: 28 Sep 2002
Organized by: S. Bellucci, M. De Crescenzi
The motivation and aim of this Workshop is to foster the flourishing of science at interfaces between fields, where methods in one field are used for the problems of the other fields and vice versa, having in mind the need to strengthen the fields which are "in between". The Workshop covers an area - that of nanotubes and nanostructures - of overlap between field theory and statistical mechanics, with important consequences also for the study of condensed matter physics. Topics that will be covered are listed below:
- Theoretical and experimental aspects of nanotubes
Self-organizing quantum dots, quantum wires and their electronic and magnetic properties Coupled dots and arrays of dots Nanocomposites li- Electronic, magnetic, optical and transport properties of nanostructures
Techniques of nanofabrication Characterization techniques of nanotubes and nanostructures Applications of nanotubes and nanostructures Physical properties of two-dimensional systems Effects of nanotechnologies on microorganisms
Nanotubes & Nanostructures 2002
Start: 23 Sep 2002 | End: 28 Sep 2002
Organized by: S. Bellucci, M. De Crescenzi
The motivation and aim of this Workshop is to foster the flourishing of science at interfaces between fields, where methods in one field are used for the problems of the other fields and vice versa, having in mind the need to strengthen the fields which are "in between". The Workshop covers an area - that of nanotubes and nanostructures - of overlap between field theory and statistical mechanics, with important consequences also for the study of condensed matter physics. Topics that will be covered are listed below:
- Theoretical and experimental aspects of nanotubes
Self-organizing quantum dots, quantum wires and their electronic and magnetic properties Coupled dots and arrays of dots Nanocomposites li- Electronic, magnetic, optical and transport properties of nanostructures
Techniques of nanofabrication Characterization techniques of nanotubes and nanostructures Applications of nanotubes and nanostructures Physical properties of two-dimensional systems Effects of nanotechnologies on microorganisms