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Karen Michaeli

former Dresden Fellow visiting Professor

Stay period:Jan. 1, 2018 - Dec. 30, 2018

Dresden Fellow 2018

Dr. Karen Michaeli is a young scientist in the Condensed Matter Department (CMD) at the
Weizmann Institute of Science, one of the leading basic research scientific institutions in Israel as well as worldwide. She studied Physics and received her BSc from Tel-Aviv University and her MSc and PhD degree from the Weizmann Institute of Science under the guidance of Prof. Alexander Finkel'stein. She has been working mostly in the area of Condensed Matter Physics, and recently started to get interested in the problem of spin-selective transport in helical molecules, a topic discovered few years ago by Prof. Ron Naaman (also working at the Weizmann Institute) and Prof. Helmut Zacharias (University of Münster, Germany).

The focus of the research activities of Dr. Michaeli during her visit was devoted to spintronic effects in chiral molecules, especially the issue of spin­selective transport in molecules displaying chiral symmetry (Chirality-induced spin selectivity, CISS).

During her stay, Dr. Michaeli also gave a seminar focusing on her recent work on the CISS effect as weil as on the current experimental situation. This served to introduce interested scientists in Dresden to this new field. The talk took place in the framework of the nanoSeminar (organized at the chair of Prof. G. Cuniberti) and was open to students from Diploma and Master Courses covering Materials Science, Nanoelectronics, Organic and Molecular Electronics and Physics, as weil as to Erasmus Mundus students.


Dr. Karen Michaeli - Weizmann Institute of Science


Scopus Linkedin

Karen Michaeli

former Dresden Fellow visiting Professor

Stay period:Jan. 1, 2018 - Dec. 30, 2018

Dresden Fellow 2018

Dr. Karen Michaeli is a young scientist in the Condensed Matter Department (CMD) at the
Weizmann Institute of Science, one of the leading basic research scientific institutions in Israel as well as worldwide. She studied Physics and received her BSc from Tel-Aviv University and her MSc and PhD degree from the Weizmann Institute of Science under the guidance of Prof. Alexander Finkel'stein. She has been working mostly in the area of Condensed Matter Physics, and recently started to get interested in the problem of spin-selective transport in helical molecules, a topic discovered few years ago by Prof. Ron Naaman (also working at the Weizmann Institute) and Prof. Helmut Zacharias (University of Münster, Germany).

The focus of the research activities of Dr. Michaeli during her visit was devoted to spintronic effects in chiral molecules, especially the issue of spin­selective transport in molecules displaying chiral symmetry (Chirality-induced spin selectivity, CISS).

During her stay, Dr. Michaeli also gave a seminar focusing on her recent work on the CISS effect as weil as on the current experimental situation. This served to introduce interested scientists in Dresden to this new field. The talk took place in the framework of the nanoSeminar (organized at the chair of Prof. G. Cuniberti) and was open to students from Diploma and Master Courses covering Materials Science, Nanoelectronics, Organic and Molecular Electronics and Physics, as weil as to Erasmus Mundus students.


Dr. Karen Michaeli - Weizmann Institute of Science