
ORCID Google Scholar ResearchGate

M. Sc.
Xiaorui Hao

PhD student

Room: MBZ 409
Group: digital olfaction
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Xiaorui Hao received her Master's degree in Engineering from the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanjing Tech University in 2024 and was honored with the title of "Excellent Graduate Student." From 2022 to 2024, she worked as a visiting student at the Southern University of Science and Technology, focusing on the electrode/electrolyte interface chemistry in aqueous multivalent ion batteries.
In 2024, she was awarded a scholarship by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and joined Prof. Cuniberti's research group to pursue a PhD, focusing on electronic tongue taste sensors.


ORCID Google Scholar ResearchGate

M. Sc.
Xiaorui Hao

PhD student

Room: MBZ 409
Group: digital olfaction
Download contact:

Xiaorui Hao received her Master's degree in Engineering from the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanjing Tech University in 2024 and was honored with the title of "Excellent Graduate Student." From 2022 to 2024, she worked as a visiting student at the Southern University of Science and Technology, focusing on the electrode/electrolyte interface chemistry in aqueous multivalent ion batteries.
In 2024, she was awarded a scholarship by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and joined Prof. Cuniberti's research group to pursue a PhD, focusing on electronic tongue taste sensors.