Grüß Gott Miriam
Nov. 15, 2006

Welcome to Miriam Del Valle who has started on 15.11.2006 her postdocon ``Carbon nanotube devices at the quantum limit'' in the Molecular Computing Group at the University of Regensburg.

Involved people

Grüß Gott Miriam
Nov. 15, 2006

Welcome to Miriam Del Valle who has started on 15.11.2006 her postdocon ``Carbon nanotube devices at the quantum limit'' in the Molecular Computing Group at the University of Regensburg.

Involved people
del Valle
Miriam del Valle
former Postdoc
now Researcher at University of Regensburg
del Valle
Miriam del Valle
former Postdoc
now Researcher
del Valle
Miriam del Valle
former Postdoc
now Researcher