New Scanning Probe Microscopy lab
July 23, 2010

During the past weeks, our chair received a Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) purchased within our project "MolFunc - Innovatives molekulares Design multifunktioneller Mehrkomponentenwerkstoffe" in the Cluster of Excellence ECEMP - European Centre for Emerging Materials and Processes Dresden.In an inauguration party at the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, the new Createc Low-Temperature Scanning Probe Microscope was presented and the focus of the projected research was outlined, followed by a lab tour showing the microscopy facilities at Max Bergmann Center. PD Dr. Leonhard Grill (Fritz-Haber-Institute and FU Berlin) presented in his nanoSEMINAR talk titled "Study and manipulation of functional matter on the atomic scale" recent developments in the field of Scanning Probe Microscopy.
We thank the European Centre for Emerging Materials and Processes Dresden (ECEMP) and the Dresden University of Technology for making this acquisition possible, all our guests for coming and showing interest in our research and are grateful to ECEMP, the Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden, and CreaTec Fischer & Co. GmbH for supporting the event.

New Scanning Probe Microscopy lab
July 23, 2010

During the past weeks, our chair received a Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) purchased within our project "MolFunc - Innovatives molekulares Design multifunktioneller Mehrkomponentenwerkstoffe" in the Cluster of Excellence ECEMP - European Centre for Emerging Materials and Processes Dresden.In an inauguration party at the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, the new Createc Low-Temperature Scanning Probe Microscope was presented and the focus of the projected research was outlined, followed by a lab tour showing the microscopy facilities at Max Bergmann Center. PD Dr. Leonhard Grill (Fritz-Haber-Institute and FU Berlin) presented in his nanoSEMINAR talk titled "Study and manipulation of functional matter on the atomic scale" recent developments in the field of Scanning Probe Microscopy.
We thank the European Centre for Emerging Materials and Processes Dresden (ECEMP) and the Dresden University of Technology for making this acquisition possible, all our guests for coming and showing interest in our research and are grateful to ECEMP, the Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden, and CreaTec Fischer & Co. GmbH for supporting the event.