Decoherence Dynamics of Electronic Systems

guest talk
Hosted by: Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany, Institute of Physics
July 24, 2009

In this talk, I will present a general master equation for describing the electron dynamics of a system of electronic states under the influence of electron reservoirs. This master equation is exact for arbitrary tunneling strength, tunneling spectrum, temperature and bias. This general formula is then applied to study the decoherence dynamics of a double dot charge qubit controlled by source and drain electrodes. We then discuss the non-Markov effects under various controlling conditions. Finally I would like to introduce an ongoing project of applying this formalism with possible extension to the study of charge migrations and charge transport of biomolecules. The references of my previous works are PRB 78, 235311 and JPB 41, 245501.

Decoherence Dynamics of Electronic Systems

guest talk
Hosted by: Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany, Institute of Physics
July 24, 2009

In this talk, I will present a general master equation for describing the electron dynamics of a system of electronic states under the influence of electron reservoirs. This master equation is exact for arbitrary tunneling strength, tunneling spectrum, temperature and bias. This general formula is then applied to study the decoherence dynamics of a double dot charge qubit controlled by source and drain electrodes. We then discuss the non-Markov effects under various controlling conditions. Finally I would like to introduce an ongoing project of applying this formalism with possible extension to the study of charge migrations and charge transport of biomolecules. The references of my previous works are PRB 78, 235311 and JPB 41, 245501.