Model evaluation for glycolytic oscillations in yeast biotransformations of xenobiotics
Biophysical Chemistry 109, 413 (2004).
L. Brusch, G. Cuniberti, and M. Bertau.
Journal DOI:

ion. While mean concentrations and fluxes are predicted in agreement by both models we observe different domains of oscillatory behavior in parameter space. Generic properties of the glycolytic response to ketones are discussed.


Involved Scientists
Model evaluation for glycolytic oscillations in yeast biotransformations of xenobiotics
Biophysical Chemistry 109, 413 (2004).
L. Brusch, G. Cuniberti, and M. Bertau.
Journal DOI:

ion. While mean concentrations and fluxes are predicted in agreement by both models we observe different domains of oscillatory behavior in parameter space. Generic properties of the glycolytic response to ketones are discussed.


Involved Scientists