Vibrational effects in the conductance through a molecular bridge
Michael Hartung
Universitaet Regensburg

Thu., March 11, 2004, 11:15 a.m.

We study the conductance of a single molecule sandwiched between two electrodes and taking into account the center of mass motion of the molecule. The starting point is a tight-binding model Hamiltonian, which includes a linear coupling between the electronic degrees of freedom and the bosonic motion. The conductance is calculated within the scattering matrix formalism. The coupling to the electronic degrees of freedom shows the interesting effect such as enhancing the off resonant conductance.

Vibrational effects in the conductance through a molecular bridge
Michael Hartung
Universitaet Regensburg

Thu., March 11, 2004, 11:15 a.m.

We study the conductance of a single molecule sandwiched between two electrodes and taking into account the center of mass motion of the molecule. The starting point is a tight-binding model Hamiltonian, which includes a linear coupling between the electronic degrees of freedom and the bosonic motion. The conductance is calculated within the scattering matrix formalism. The coupling to the electronic degrees of freedom shows the interesting effect such as enhancing the off resonant conductance.
