Motor proteins are specialized molecules which bind to filaments of the cytoskeleton and are able to generate forces. An unusual protein, closely related to kinesin motors is MCAK, which binds to microtubule ends and depolymerizes them (1),(2).
We study the process of MCAK binding to microtubules and subsequent depolymerization using stochastic models.Computer simulations of a one-dimensional hopping model are compared to the mean-field theory of the adopted discrete model.Our theory can explain how molecules accumulate at depolymerizing ends.
(1) A.W. Hunter, M.Caplow, D.L. Coy, W.O. Hancock, S. Diez, L.Wordeman, J. Howard; Mol. Cell, Vol 11, 445-457, 2003.
(2) R. Ohi, M.L. Coughlin, W.S. Lane, T. Mitchison; Dev. Cell, Vol.5, 309-321, 2003.
Motor proteins are specialized molecules which bind to filaments of the cytoskeleton and are able to generate forces. An unusual protein, closely related to kinesin motors is MCAK, which binds to microtubule ends and depolymerizes them (1),(2).
We study the process of MCAK binding to microtubules and subsequent depolymerization using stochastic models.Computer simulations of a one-dimensional hopping model are compared to the mean-field theory of the adopted discrete model.Our theory can explain how molecules accumulate at depolymerizing ends.
(1) A.W. Hunter, M.Caplow, D.L. Coy, W.O. Hancock, S. Diez, L.Wordeman, J. Howard; Mol. Cell, Vol 11, 445-457, 2003.
(2) R. Ohi, M.L. Coughlin, W.S. Lane, T. Mitchison; Dev. Cell, Vol.5, 309-321, 2003.