Silicene resembles graphene in many respects: It is practically a two-dimensional material, arranged in a honeycomb lattice and presents a Dirac cone band structure at the vicinity of the Fermi energy. Electronically, the main difference between carbon and silicon is stronger preference of sp3 over sp2 in silicon. This explains the observed buckling in silicene, with the expectation that silicene cannot exist as a stand-alone material, unlike graphene. Recently we have shown that silicene can be grown on silver crystals as sheets on Ag(111) or nanoribbons on Ag(110)1. Following our pioneering work, several groups around the world have successfully grown silicene on Ag(111). From the theory side, silicene has been studied for several years now and a variety of its properties, as stand-alone or doped, have been predicted. In this talk, an overview of the progress in the growth and properties of silicene from both theoretical and experimental points of view will be presented. We will show that the big challenge for scientists now is to grow silicene on insulating substrates, which will pave the way to integrate silicene into applications, in particular electronic devices.
[1] A. Kara, H. Enriquez, A. P. Seitsonen, LCLY Voon, S. Vizzini, B. Aufray, H. Oughaddou, "A review on silicene - New candidate for electronics", Surf. Sci. Rep. 67, 1 (2012).
Silicene resembles graphene in many respects: It is practically a two-dimensional material, arranged in a honeycomb lattice and presents a Dirac cone band structure at the vicinity of the Fermi energy. Electronically, the main difference between carbon and silicon is stronger preference of sp3 over sp2 in silicon. This explains the observed buckling in silicene, with the expectation that silicene cannot exist as a stand-alone material, unlike graphene. Recently we have shown that silicene can be grown on silver crystals as sheets on Ag(111) or nanoribbons on Ag(110)1. Following our pioneering work, several groups around the world have successfully grown silicene on Ag(111). From the theory side, silicene has been studied for several years now and a variety of its properties, as stand-alone or doped, have been predicted. In this talk, an overview of the progress in the growth and properties of silicene from both theoretical and experimental points of view will be presented. We will show that the big challenge for scientists now is to grow silicene on insulating substrates, which will pave the way to integrate silicene into applications, in particular electronic devices.
[1] A. Kara, H. Enriquez, A. P. Seitsonen, LCLY Voon, S. Vizzini, B. Aufray, H. Oughaddou, "A review on silicene - New candidate for electronics", Surf. Sci. Rep. 67, 1 (2012).