
Gepris ORCID Google Scholar Scopus Linkedin publons

Stephanie Klinghammer


Phone: +49 351 46339409
Room: MBZ 410
Group: nanoelectronics for biosensor technologies
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Stephanie studied chemical engineering at TU Dresden from 2006 to 2013 and joined the chair in 2012. During her diploma thesis, she focused on the modification of SiNW-based sensors with stimuli-responsive polymer brushes. Directly after, Stephanie continued her work at the chair as a Ph.D. student and investigated different biosensor systems and their interfaces with biomolecules to achieve real-time monitoring.
After finishing her Ph.D. in 2023, Stephanie stayed at the chair as a research associate and works currently on the development of sensor systems for monitoring processes and interactions in the oral cavity (OralSens).




Gepris ORCID Google Scholar Scopus Linkedin publons

Stephanie Klinghammer


Phone: +49 351 46339409
Room: MBZ 410
Group: nanoelectronics for biosensor technologies
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Stephanie studied chemical engineering at TU Dresden from 2006 to 2013 and joined the chair in 2012. During her diploma thesis, she focused on the modification of SiNW-based sensors with stimuli-responsive polymer brushes. Directly after, Stephanie continued her work at the chair as a Ph.D. student and investigated different biosensor systems and their interfaces with biomolecules to achieve real-time monitoring.
After finishing her Ph.D. in 2023, Stephanie stayed at the chair as a research associate and works currently on the development of sensor systems for monitoring processes and interactions in the oral cavity (OralSens).

