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Multiplexed sensing of steroids with silicon nanowire field effect transistors
June 9, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Multiplexed Synaptic Modulation and Memory in Ionic Film-coated Si Nanowire Transistors
June 9, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Session Chair Complex Nano Materials
June 9, 2017
Compact nanowire sensors probe emulsion droplets
June 8, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Ebola biosensing with a gate controlled memristor mode
June 8, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Ultrasmall nanoparticles for bioapplications: potential in droplets based microfluidics
June 8, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Organic Semiconductors: Fundamentals and Applications
June 7, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Mechanics with single molecules: Manipulation with the STM tip
June 7, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Flexible Thermoelectric Applications
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Titanium surface engineering using detonation nanodiamonds towards biomedical applications
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Monte Carlo simulations of 2D molecular self-assembly
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Imaging and manipulating different supramolecular assemblies of acetylbiphenyl with a four-probe scanning tunneling microscope
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Label-free detection of DNA sequences derived from avian influenza virus H5N1 using carbon nanotubes
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Density Functional Tight Binding Method for Plasmonics
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Development of reactive biohybrid-sensor-systems for the detection of environmentally relevant resources and pollutants in aqueous systems
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Imaging the electronic structure of long acenes generated on-surface
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Flexible Thermoelectric Applications
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Computational study of building blocks of 2D polymers confined on the surface of water
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Highly efficient ammonia sensors based on modified single walled carbon nanotubes
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Real-time in-flow impedance sensing of microparticles using gold nanowires
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Asymmetry as a key factor for increasing the functionality of a molecular logic gate
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Optical penetration in a flow photocatalytic reactor
May 26, 2017
| Strasbourg, France
conference talk
SAC 3 Materials & Structures
May 3, 2017
Exploiting quantum interference in atomic and molecular junctions
April 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk (invited)
Exploiting quantum interference in atomic and molecular junctions
April 20, 2017
Gold nanoisland-decorated TiO2 for enhanced photocatalysis
April 11, 2017
| Aveiro, Portugal
conference talk
Solid-state NMR, DNP, and MD investigations of the organic/inorganic interface in silica biohybrids
March 26, 2017 - March 31, 2017
| Pacific Grove, CA, USA
conference talk
Imaging the electronic structure of on-surface generated acenes
March 24, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Electron transport through the helical systems: chiral magnetoresistance effect
March 24, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Construction of Polycrystalline Morphologies: A Case Study for C60 and Pentacene
March 23, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
On some Fundamentals of Disorder Effects in Organic Semiconductors
March 23, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
On-surface indene-formation by methyl bromide cleavage
March 23, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Design and Application of NIR Absorbing Donator Materials for Efficient Organic Solar Cells
March 22, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Donor-acceptor-donor molecules for on-surface polymerization
March 22, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Spin Transport in Helical Systems
March 22, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Auxiliary-mode approach to time-dependent phonon transport
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Tuning quantum electron and phonon transport in 2D materials by strain engineering: a Green function based study
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Multiscale Modeling of Ion-Sensitive Sensor Devices
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
STM imaging and spectroscopy of diindeno-pyrene: theoretical modeling
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Biosensing with plasmonic gold nanorod arrays
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Competence-Based, Research-Related Lab Courses for Materials Modeling: The Case of Organic Photovoltaics
March 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Compact Nanowire Sensors Probe Microdroplets
March 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Multiplexed sensing of small molecules with silicon nanowire field effect transistors
March 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Über Sinn (und Unsinn) von Rankings - 10 Thesen-Debatte
Nov. 22, 2016
Zehn-Thesen-Debatte über Sinn (und Unsinn) von Rankings
Nov. 22, 2016
Interdisziplinarität - der Blick über den Tellerrand
Aug. 18, 2016
Light Weight and Flexible High-performance Sensor Platforms for Medical Diagnostics
June 8, 2016
| Perugia, Italy
conference talk (invited)
Light Weight and Flexible High-performance Sensor Platforms for Medical Diagnostics
June 8, 2016
Das Identitätskonzept im Siliziumzeitalter mit einem Exkurs zum Verhältnis von Glauben und Vernunft
May 23, 2016
Our tomorrow: New frontiers in science and technology:
May 21, 2016
Industry 4.0: the fourth industrial (r)evolution
May 19, 2016
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live Molecular electronics
March 14, 2016
| Leipzig, Germany
conference talk (invited)
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live Molecular electronics
March 14, 2016
How Morphology Affects the Charge Transport: A Case Study for C60
March 11, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Compact nanosensors probe microdroplets
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Stacking different two-dimensional materials to fabricate a high mobility transistor
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference poster
Quantitative ab initio simulations of nanocarbon-metal extended contacts
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Molecular switches for dangling bond circuits
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Switchable negative differential resistance induced by quantum interference effects in porphyrin-based molecular junctions
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Electron transport through the helical molecules in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Mechanically strained graphene nanojunctions
March 9, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Charge transfer energies for organic donor acceptor pairs
March 8, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference poster
On-surface fabrication of acenes
March 8, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Strain engineering of thermal transport in 2D grain boundaries
March 7, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Growing mechanism and tip-induced switching of acetylbiphenyl on Si(100)-(2x1):H
March 7, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference poster
Die Identität im Siliziumzeitalter
Jan. 29, 2016
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live molecular electronics!
Dec. 16, 2015
| Jerusalem, Israel
workshop talk
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live molecular electronics!
Dec. 16, 2015
workshop talk
Technologietransferpotentiale aus der Materialforschung an der TU Dresden am Beispiel innovativer Beschichtungen
Nov. 13, 2015
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk (invited)
Technologietransferpotentiale aus der Materialforschung an der TU Dresden am Beispiel innovativer Beschichtungen
Nov. 13, 2015
Charge transport properties of boron nanotubes
Oct. 4, 2015 - Oct. 8, 2015
| Pittsburgh, PA, USA
conference talk
Molecular Electronics: Beyond tout-court Charge Transport
Sept. 22, 2015
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 18, 2015
| Milan, Italy
conference talk (invited)
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 18, 2015
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 4, 2015
| Strasbourg, France
conference talk (invited)
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 4, 2015
Multi-Scale Modeling of Metal-CNT Interfaces
Sept. 2, 2015 - Sept. 4, 2015
| Purdue University, IN, USA
conference talk
Molecular Electronics: Beyond tout-court Charge Transport
Aug. 25, 2015
Imperceptible sensorics for medical monitoring
July 30, 2015
| Rome, Italy
conference talk (invited)
Imperceptible sensorics for medical monitoring
July 30, 2015
Molecular electronics: Beyond charge transport
June 10, 2015
| Jerusalem, Israel
conference talk (invited)
Molecular electronics: Beyond charge transport
June 10, 2015
Education, A key driver for entrepreneurship, innovation and growth:
May 22, 2015
A Lab inside the cluster: the unlimited possibilities of computational materials design
May 13, 2015
Smeller 2.0 - Erzählen mit Geruchssequenzen, Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti trifft Wolfgang Georgsdorf
May 12, 2015
Quantum interference in thermoelectric molecular junctions: A toy model perspective
March 20, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Ab-initio model of extended CNT-metal contact
March 20, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Quantum interference in dangling bond loops
March 20, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Thermal rectification in asymmetric MoS2 nanoribbons: a non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study
March 19, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Enhanced thermoelectric figure of merit in polycrystalline carbon nanostructures
March 19, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference poster
A supramolecular motor at work: Rotation and translation of single atoms
March 19, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
IT from BIT or BIT from IT? New materials for ICT
March 19, 2015
Substrate-Induced doping of supported graphene: an ab initio study
March 17, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
STM study of molecular n-dopants for organic electronics
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
A chrysene derivative as a promising candidate for an on-surface chemical reaction studied by LT-STM/STS
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction of polyamines with silica substrates
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference poster
Charged transfer in a dynamical Landau-Zener Model: Application in QCA
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
A lab inside the computer: the unlimited possibilities of materials design at the atomic scale
Jan. 30, 2015
Ordnung, Ästhetik und Musterbildung in der Nanowelt
Jan. 23, 2015
Kleine Teilchen, gro�es Risiko, gigantische Chance. Wie die Nanotechnologie den Alltag revolutioniert.
Jan. 6, 2015
Multiplexed sensing of steroids with silicon nanowire field effect transistors
June 9, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Multiplexed Synaptic Modulation and Memory in Ionic Film-coated Si Nanowire Transistors
June 9, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Session Chair Complex Nano Materials
June 9, 2017
Compact nanowire sensors probe emulsion droplets
June 8, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Ebola biosensing with a gate controlled memristor mode
June 8, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Ultrasmall nanoparticles for bioapplications: potential in droplets based microfluidics
June 8, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Organic Semiconductors: Fundamentals and Applications
June 7, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Mechanics with single molecules: Manipulation with the STM tip
June 7, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Flexible Thermoelectric Applications
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Titanium surface engineering using detonation nanodiamonds towards biomedical applications
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Monte Carlo simulations of 2D molecular self-assembly
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Imaging and manipulating different supramolecular assemblies of acetylbiphenyl with a four-probe scanning tunneling microscope
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Label-free detection of DNA sequences derived from avian influenza virus H5N1 using carbon nanotubes
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Density Functional Tight Binding Method for Plasmonics
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Development of reactive biohybrid-sensor-systems for the detection of environmentally relevant resources and pollutants in aqueous systems
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Imaging the electronic structure of long acenes generated on-surface
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Flexible Thermoelectric Applications
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Computational study of building blocks of 2D polymers confined on the surface of water
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Highly efficient ammonia sensors based on modified single walled carbon nanotubes
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Real-time in-flow impedance sensing of microparticles using gold nanowires
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Asymmetry as a key factor for increasing the functionality of a molecular logic gate
June 6, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Optical penetration in a flow photocatalytic reactor
May 26, 2017
| Strasbourg, France
conference talk
SAC 3 Materials & Structures
May 3, 2017
Exploiting quantum interference in atomic and molecular junctions
April 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk (invited)
Exploiting quantum interference in atomic and molecular junctions
April 20, 2017
Gold nanoisland-decorated TiO2 for enhanced photocatalysis
April 11, 2017
| Aveiro, Portugal
conference talk
Solid-state NMR, DNP, and MD investigations of the organic/inorganic interface in silica biohybrids
March 26, 2017 - March 31, 2017
| Pacific Grove, CA, USA
conference talk
Imaging the electronic structure of on-surface generated acenes
March 24, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Electron transport through the helical systems: chiral magnetoresistance effect
March 24, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Construction of Polycrystalline Morphologies: A Case Study for C60 and Pentacene
March 23, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
On some Fundamentals of Disorder Effects in Organic Semiconductors
March 23, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
On-surface indene-formation by methyl bromide cleavage
March 23, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Design and Application of NIR Absorbing Donator Materials for Efficient Organic Solar Cells
March 22, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Donor-acceptor-donor molecules for on-surface polymerization
March 22, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Spin Transport in Helical Systems
March 22, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Auxiliary-mode approach to time-dependent phonon transport
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Tuning quantum electron and phonon transport in 2D materials by strain engineering: a Green function based study
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Multiscale Modeling of Ion-Sensitive Sensor Devices
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
STM imaging and spectroscopy of diindeno-pyrene: theoretical modeling
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Biosensing with plasmonic gold nanorod arrays
March 21, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Competence-Based, Research-Related Lab Courses for Materials Modeling: The Case of Organic Photovoltaics
March 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Compact Nanowire Sensors Probe Microdroplets
March 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk
Multiplexed sensing of small molecules with silicon nanowire field effect transistors
March 20, 2017
| Dresden, Germany
conference poster
Über Sinn (und Unsinn) von Rankings - 10 Thesen-Debatte
Nov. 22, 2016
Zehn-Thesen-Debatte über Sinn (und Unsinn) von Rankings
Nov. 22, 2016
Interdisziplinarität - der Blick über den Tellerrand
Aug. 18, 2016
Light Weight and Flexible High-performance Sensor Platforms for Medical Diagnostics
June 8, 2016
| Perugia, Italy
conference talk (invited)
Light Weight and Flexible High-performance Sensor Platforms for Medical Diagnostics
June 8, 2016
Das Identitätskonzept im Siliziumzeitalter mit einem Exkurs zum Verhältnis von Glauben und Vernunft
May 23, 2016
Our tomorrow: New frontiers in science and technology:
May 21, 2016
Industry 4.0: the fourth industrial (r)evolution
May 19, 2016
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live Molecular electronics
March 14, 2016
| Leipzig, Germany
conference talk (invited)
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live Molecular electronics
March 14, 2016
How Morphology Affects the Charge Transport: A Case Study for C60
March 11, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Compact nanosensors probe microdroplets
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Stacking different two-dimensional materials to fabricate a high mobility transistor
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference poster
Quantitative ab initio simulations of nanocarbon-metal extended contacts
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Molecular switches for dangling bond circuits
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Switchable negative differential resistance induced by quantum interference effects in porphyrin-based molecular junctions
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Electron transport through the helical molecules in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
March 10, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Mechanically strained graphene nanojunctions
March 9, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Charge transfer energies for organic donor acceptor pairs
March 8, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference poster
On-surface fabrication of acenes
March 8, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Strain engineering of thermal transport in 2D grain boundaries
March 7, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference talk
Growing mechanism and tip-induced switching of acetylbiphenyl on Si(100)-(2x1):H
March 7, 2016
| Regensburg, Germany
conference poster
Die Identität im Siliziumzeitalter
Jan. 29, 2016
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live molecular electronics!
Dec. 16, 2015
| Jerusalem, Israel
workshop talk
Reinventing Computing or: Molecular electronics is dead, long live molecular electronics!
Dec. 16, 2015
workshop talk
Technologietransferpotentiale aus der Materialforschung an der TU Dresden am Beispiel innovativer Beschichtungen
Nov. 13, 2015
| Dresden, Germany
conference talk (invited)
Technologietransferpotentiale aus der Materialforschung an der TU Dresden am Beispiel innovativer Beschichtungen
Nov. 13, 2015
Charge transport properties of boron nanotubes
Oct. 4, 2015 - Oct. 8, 2015
| Pittsburgh, PA, USA
conference talk
Molecular Electronics: Beyond tout-court Charge Transport
Sept. 22, 2015
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 18, 2015
| Milan, Italy
conference talk (invited)
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 18, 2015
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 4, 2015
| Strasbourg, France
conference talk (invited)
Molecular electronics: beyond charge transport
Sept. 4, 2015
Multi-Scale Modeling of Metal-CNT Interfaces
Sept. 2, 2015 - Sept. 4, 2015
| Purdue University, IN, USA
conference talk
Molecular Electronics: Beyond tout-court Charge Transport
Aug. 25, 2015
Imperceptible sensorics for medical monitoring
July 30, 2015
| Rome, Italy
conference talk (invited)
Imperceptible sensorics for medical monitoring
July 30, 2015
Molecular electronics: Beyond charge transport
June 10, 2015
| Jerusalem, Israel
conference talk (invited)
Molecular electronics: Beyond charge transport
June 10, 2015
Education, A key driver for entrepreneurship, innovation and growth:
May 22, 2015
A Lab inside the cluster: the unlimited possibilities of computational materials design
May 13, 2015
Smeller 2.0 - Erzählen mit Geruchssequenzen, Prof. Gianaurelio Cuniberti trifft Wolfgang Georgsdorf
May 12, 2015
Quantum interference in thermoelectric molecular junctions: A toy model perspective
March 20, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Ab-initio model of extended CNT-metal contact
March 20, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Quantum interference in dangling bond loops
March 20, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Thermal rectification in asymmetric MoS2 nanoribbons: a non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study
March 19, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Enhanced thermoelectric figure of merit in polycrystalline carbon nanostructures
March 19, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference poster
A supramolecular motor at work: Rotation and translation of single atoms
March 19, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
IT from BIT or BIT from IT? New materials for ICT
March 19, 2015
Substrate-Induced doping of supported graphene: an ab initio study
March 17, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
STM study of molecular n-dopants for organic electronics
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
A chrysene derivative as a promising candidate for an on-surface chemical reaction studied by LT-STM/STS
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
Molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction of polyamines with silica substrates
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference poster
Charged transfer in a dynamical Landau-Zener Model: Application in QCA
March 16, 2015
| Berlin, Germany
conference talk
A lab inside the computer: the unlimited possibilities of materials design at the atomic scale
Jan. 30, 2015
Ordnung, Ästhetik und Musterbildung in der Nanowelt
Jan. 23, 2015
Kleine Teilchen, gro�es Risiko, gigantische Chance. Wie die Nanotechnologie den Alltag revolutioniert.
Jan. 6, 2015